I've seen this game on the front page for a while and I just didn't want to play it in fear that it'd be a generic mainstream wattpad fanfiction style game about depression (which border the offensive to me). Seems I was quite wrong.
Gave it a couple of goes, got two different endings (I mean, that's the easy part).
Despite some dialog or action limitations (I understand that every option physically possible can't be there), it's a beautiful game and mostly clearly grounded in reality. Can definitely relate to quite a bunch of parts.
It's not the type of game I usually play, but it was quite emotionally investing.
Main problem with it: my hand hurts from clicking and pressing spacebar. That's not your fault, but now I'm cracking my wrist every few words.
The rest are mostly "hmmm.. but I'd do that in a different way... hmmm..." and other experienced with depression (both with myself and anothers) pretentious thinking.
Good game and keep at it.